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Wedding Hair Style Tips: Choose Your Wedding Day Hairstyle Carefully

Wedding Hair Style Tips: Choose Your Wedding Day Hairstyle Carefully – Women like to look glamorous, elegant and sexy on their wedding day so they usually take the time to choose an extravagant dress, stunning shoes, and makeup, and then there is the hairstyle. Whoa boy! Women typically have a stylist visit them when they are getting ready for the wedding, which costs a fortune, or they visit the parlor early in the morning before their wedding to get their chosen hairstyle done.

A woman’s hair may be her crowning glory, but getting a new ‘do’ just before a big event in your life can be a major mistake. Plan ahead with any chemical treatments – bleaching, coloring, streaking, perming, or straightening – and if you’re considering any radical changes in length or style do it at least six to eight weeks before the big event, this way it gives you and your hair time to adjust together and get a working relationship on the go.

On your wedding day, hundreds of eyes will be on you, and your chosen wedding hairstyle can either complete the picture or detract from it. That is why it is so important to choose the perfect formal hairstyle well in advance of the big day so that you and your stylist can get it right and make custom additions to your wedding hairstyle. Nothing is worse than a hastily crafted coif decided upon only minutes before the ceremony, take the time with your stylist to go over what looks suit you and what looks don’t, obviously avoid the looks that don’t suit you. Larger figures should wear their hair up as this draws attention and slims the face down, slimmer brides should look at curls that accentuate the face and shoulders.


Men may seem as though they don’t care about their wedding hairstyle, and women are none the wiser to it, but the bridegroom spends at least 15 minutes making sure all the gel is in the correct plane, and he has no sticky up bits!!

A great wedding hairstyle is crucial, especially for those wedding pictures, make sure it’s not some kind of form which is going to fall all over the place or is going to be blown around in high winds! That way you can be sure of looking great in those pictures!






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