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Category: Kids

  • 7 Things that make Your Kids Happy

    7 Things that make Your Kids Happy

    Every parent knows what they want for their children. Or at least they assume that they know and believe that they are educating them and preparing them for the future in order to achieve the planned objectives. But have you really thought about this? Do not assume you know the answer. Take a simple exercise,…

  • How to Mix and Match Colors with Colored Pencils

    How to Mix and Match Colors with Colored Pencils

    How to Mix and Match Colors with Colored Pencils – Color pencils are transparent, but it is not possible to blend colors as if you were using paint or pastels. To form the color blends, you need to create layers on top of the color layer. The color wheel is a useful reference tool for…

  • Benefits of Swimming for Children

    Benefits of Swimming for Children

    Perfect to develop children’s motricity, the sport that is attractive due to the very environment where it is practiced, requires efforts that combat the overweight, but does not cause injuries to the children. In times of fighting obesity, in addition to good nutrition, it is necessary to make children aware of the importance of physical…

  • 6 Benefits of Drawing for Children

    6 Benefits of Drawing for Children

    Several studies have shown that the benefits of drawing for children are many. Increased self-esteem, improved psychomotor skills and a greater appreciation of art are just some of them. What are you waiting to sit with the little ones around you to draw? Benefits of drawing for children 1. Promotes communication with adults For the little…