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Do you know what to do to issue Tax Notes?

It is worth mentioning that the MEI can bill up to 60 thousand reais per year, that is, the value of invoices issued cannot exceed this amount. In addition, it does not need to issue tax notes to individuals.

Although it seems simple to be MEI, many people have doubts, after registering, on the correct way to issue an invoice. To heal all of them, we elaborated this post. Check out!

Attention! According to CAT VARIATION N ° 162/2008, CHAPTER VI, regardless of whether or not it is MEI, the issuer and the recipient of the NFe must save the XML of the NFe for a period of 5 years, for submission to the tax authorities. Receive and store 100% of the NFes issued against your CNPJ with Arquivei. To get started it’s free – Create my account.

Types of MEI invoices

It is important to know all the possibilities available to the MEI regarding the issuance of tax notes, only so that it can analyze which case is best for your business. In addition, it is worth mentioning that with the movement of the Secretaries of the Treasury in the direction of eliminating paper notes, these types of notes are deprecated and may not be available in their state.

Know the four forms of the MEI issue invoice:

1. Nota Fiscal Avulsa (NFA)

Basically, it is necessary to ask the NF to the Finance Department (SEFAZ) and look for the printed note in a responsible body. Although it is the most practical and cost-effective way (sometimes it’s free), this procedure varies according to the state, and with the paper-dropping movement, some of them do not even make NFA available.

2. Nota Fiscal Electronic Difference (NFA-e)

Without cost and very practical, by that way, the MEI can take its note on the internet and in the hour. However, few states provide the procedure.

3. Electronic Nota Fiscal (NFe)

To issue this type of note, the entrepreneur must request authorization from the Secretary of Finance and follow the procedures that each state requires. It is worth mentioning that, when opting for the Electronic Nota Fiscal , the MEI should pay the same rates as other holders of CNPJ who do not qualify as MEI.






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