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Tips for Making Homemade Bread: 8 Grandma’s Tricks to Prepare Without Mistakes

The homemade bread is the darlings of Nigerian just the taste of “homemade” without preservatives. If you want to feel that wonderful smell coming out of your oven, take a few tips to make homemade bread that will help you make a cute and tasty as Grandma.

1. Butter and eggs

Butter and eggs should always be at room temperature to be used in the recipe. Thus, they do not hinder the growth of dough and soften the bread. If you have not removed the butter from the fridge in advance, do the following: pour boiling water into a bowl, wait 2 minutes and discard the water. Turn the still-warm bowl over the butter and wait a while for it to soften without melting.

One of the tips for making homemade bread that also fits any other recipe is: break the eggs into a separate container and then add them to the recipe. This way you avoid waste if any of them is damaged. To find out if the egg is fresh, put it in a glass of water. If it sinks, it can be used normally, but if it floats, it should be thrown away.

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2. Liquid ingredients

Liquids, such as milk and water, in some recipes, should be added at warm temperatures. But be aware that if they are too hot they can nullify the action of yeast.

3. Flour and other dry ingredients

Never put all the flour requested in the recipe. Depending on the temperature, the humidity of the day and the size of the eggs, the amount of flour can be excessive, making the dough firm and too hard. When the recipe calls for 1kg of flour (approximately) it means you may use a maximum of 1kg to make the dough, flour the work surface, open, roll, etc.

Another precious tip is to sift through dry ingredients such as flour, sugar, and yeast, for example, before using them. This way you avoid the formation of lumps that can interfere with cake growth.

4. Bread Peel

When you think of tips for making homemade bread, you immediately think of the perfect rind. But it’s not always easy to reach the perfect point, so some tricks can help you. For a golden cone, brush with egg mixed with a few drops of coffee. If you want a soft cone, brush with melted butter several times while baking. For a shiny crust, brush the bread with beaten egg mixed with milk. Now if the goal is a crispy cone, brush with water.

6. Sleeps a lot

The secret to having a cuddly bread is kneading, and a lot! So get your hands and arms ready… But if your production starts to increase, the tip is to get a cylinder to help with this task. Knead the dough with well-dried and floured hands so as not to miss the point of “sticking off the hands”.

7. Mass Growth

After kneading or rolling, you need to put the dough to grow. But to find out if she is about to go to the oven, use the ball technique in the cup. To do this, take a piece of dough and shape a ball. Put in a glass of water so that it sinks and let it rest. When the ball rises to the surface it is time to bring the bread to bake. On cold days the growth of bread is very slow. To speed up this process, cover them with a damp cloth and let rise next to the on oven.

8. Time to Bake

After the dough rests, it’s time to bake the bread. It must be preheated to medium temperature (180 ° C) so that the bread will grow evenly. If it is too hot, the recipe may be golden on the outside but raw on the inside. If the bread browns too fast, finish baking with aluminum foil, without squeezing, always with the shiny part of the paper facing the food.

When removing bread from the oven, do not let it cool in the pan. Remove and place on a grid so that the base of the dough does not become moist and soft. When cool, wrap in foil and store in the refrigerator or place in sealed plastic bags. To consume, heat in oven or microwave.

Did you like these tips for making homemade bread? So go to the kitchen now and prepare Easy Cooking Recipes!






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