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Author: pbnodong

  • Find Out What Kind Of Wedding Gown Suits You

    Find Out What Kind Of Wedding Gown Suits You

    If images of white dresses are dancing in your head, then you must have been recently engaged. Of course, many women have had a picture of their wedding in their head since the time they were born, but will the real-life live up to your dream? Capturing a personality Although it may seem that all…

  • How Make White Rice

    How Make White Rice

    INGREDIENTS 1 cup of washed rice 2 cups of boiling water 1 clove of crushed garlic 1/4 chopped onion enough oil salt to taste PREPARATION MODE Sauté garlic and onion in olive oil. Put the rice and let it fry for about 30 seconds. Add the boiling water and salt. Lower the heat and cook until the water is…

  • Let your kids learn and enjoy

    Let your kids learn and enjoy

    Today’s kids carry a sharp visual learning ability and have a tremendous intellectual during their early days of childhood. So when you find that your creative child is getting bored indoors due to bad weather outside, you can make him utilize his time with kid crafts book. Kids craft book usually has fun and games…

  • Timothy Ward’s Great Coloring Book Rebirth

    Timothy Ward’s Great Coloring Book Rebirth

    I bought a coloring book yesterday from Wal-Mart. I hadn’t colored in years and I got the strange urge to out of the blue. I also bought a 24-pack of Crayola crayons. The box says they are non-toxic which is a relief. I just wonder who sells the toxic crayons and how they compare at…

  • Incorporating Rubberstamping Into Your Scrapbooks

    Incorporating Rubberstamping Into Your Scrapbooks

    I started as a stamper. I remember being amazed at how a line art drawing could produce such beautiful results. I started simply stamping and coloring in and progressed to more advanced techniques. And then I was introduced to Scrapbooking via a home party. But I was a stamper! How could I combine the two?…

  • Hair Color Secrets Which Color Is Right For You?

    Hair Color Secrets Which Color Is Right For You?

    Hair color correction is a big moneymaker in salons nationwide for women. The reason: over-the-counter hair coloring products have given consumers the impression that hair color is easy and extremely affordable. One look at a professionally colored model on a commercial or glossy magazine page and many people clamor to the closest drug store to…

  • Did You Know Of Hairstyle Appreciation Day?

    Did You Know Of Hairstyle Appreciation Day?

    April 30th is the day to appreciate hairstyles. In some places, it is called Hairstylist Appreciation Day. Either way, this is something unique. If this is the way to celebrate days, we will begin having appreciated the grass day, appreciate the cities day and so on. But thinking about it, hairstylists do play a big…

  • Wedding Hair Style Tips: Choose Your Wedding Day Hairstyle Carefully

    Wedding Hair Style Tips: Choose Your Wedding Day Hairstyle Carefully

    Wedding Hair Style Tips: Choose Your Wedding Day Hairstyle Carefully – Women like to look glamorous, elegant and sexy on their wedding day so they usually take the time to choose an extravagant dress, stunning shoes, and makeup, and then there is the hairstyle. Whoa boy! Women typically have a stylist visit them when they…

  • What is aaPanel? Something new

    What is aaPanel? Something new

    aaPanel is a very easy hosting control panel that works on CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu. I would opt for CentOS 7 as some of their one-click applications (such as a DNS Manager) are only possible for CentOS; they also recommend CentOS on the forums, albeit nowhere else. With this marvelous panel, it’s probable to manage…

  • Tips For Change Your Hairstyle

    Tips For Change Your Hairstyle

    Change is good, but it’s even better when it takes only moments to make one. If you like your hairdo but it’s looking a little dated, there’s no reason to agonize over making the significant change. Hairstyles for the year 2008 come after a year where shorter hairstyles ruled, longer hairstyles still flourished, and everyone…